July 30 - August 3 CD Baby and Peggy Hayes Music will donate 100% of your purchase price to The Wilmington Fund VT, a fund set up after Tropical Storm Irene devastated the small Vermont town.
The story behind the song: "Tight Like That" came about from an unlikely collaboration between a Vermont Architect and his book publisher brother-in-law on the West coast. When he's not designing buildings Joseph Cincotta spends much of his spare time composing music on piano and guitar. When he's not publishing books, Steven Scholl is writing song lyrics. A Thanksgiving vacation brought the two together to begin "TLT" but it lay incomplete for months till dear friend Peggy Hayes added her richly improvised voice to the project. Suddenly, there was a reason to lay down something solid. In quick succession, pieces started to fall into place. sound engineer Garry Henry offered time at Northern Track Recording Studio and shortly thereafter musician Colby Dix made time to be the session Guitarist. In three intense days this song came together in the way you hear it now.
With many thanks to the spouses involved: Tim McKay, who is married to Peggy, Julie Lineberger, who is married to Joseph, and Janice Lineberger, who remains "Tight Like That" with her partner, Steve Scholl. A share of the profits will go to The Wilmington Fund Of Vermont, which is helping rebuild the historic village of Wilmington one building at a time.
Credits: Tight Like That - Single Lyrics by: Steven Scholl Music by: Joseph Cincotta Performed by: Peggy Hayes and Colby Dix
Production Engineering by: Gary Henry, Northern Track Recording Studio, Box 1059, Wilmington, VT 05363 - (802) 464-2234 gary@northerntrackstudio.com
Distributed by: Peggy Hayes Music, 1814 Carrington Drive, Raleigh, NC 27615 Other Recordings by Peggy Hayes: Click Here |
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